Volk Rapid SLT Lens

Brand: Volk


The Volk Rapid SLT lens reduces SLT procedure time and enhances patient comfort.

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The Rapid SLT is equipped with four totally internal reflective surfaces that provide high-detail views of all four quadrants of the angle structures. Thus, SLT procedure time is reduced in half as the need to rotate the lens on the patient’s eye is drastically minimized thus enhancing patient comfort. The contact surface is designed to provide patient comfort while maintaining the required control and stability of the lens over the ocular surface. The size of the lens allows manipulation within the orbit as well as between the laser and the patient’s eye, enhancing the doctor’s ease-of-use.

Comes with single lens case. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery for lenses with engravings.



  • Cuts down time taken for SLT procedures by 50%
  • Small lens profile enhances lens maneuverability
  • Ideal for Glaucoma treatment
  • Minimize lens rotation


 Image Magnification Laser Spot Magnification Mirror Angles
1.0x 1.0x 4 x 64°